Our New Look for The Secret - Law of Attraction Blog

This is a new year, time for a fresh start. To that end, ta-da! Here is the new look for The Secret - Law of Attraction blog. What do you think?

In selecting a template, I wanted something user-friendly that would make readers feel like they can take a deep breath and relax when they come here. I guess some time has to pass before I'll know if I got it right.

Don't be surprised if things change a bit as we go along. I'm sure I'll still play around with it some more, I'm like that. :) Besides, I'm not totally sold on the shade of purple in the header.

If you have any opinions/suggestions on the new template or layout, I'd be happy to hear from you.

Oh, that's another thing...thanks to spam, all comments are now being moderated and are left via Open ID. Hopefully, it won't prove to be too much of a nuisance for you.

Something newly added to the sidebar is a video entitled, My New Life. I made that using Animoto, about two months before I ended up in the hospital. I'd forgotten all about it! I'm glad that I found it because I really like the background music. It's short, so if you have time, why not give it a look/listen?

Thanks for your patience while The Secret - Law of Attraction blog undergoes it transformation for a fresh, new start in 2013.


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